I . Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of the discussion, students should be able to:
a. Distinguish simple, compound, and complex sentence
b. Intepret simple, compound, and complex sentence
c. Construct a sentence by using simple, compound, and complex sentence
d. Point out simple, compound, and complex sentence in their lives
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic : Types of sentence and combining ideas in clause modifiers
b. Reference : Avelina, G. Gil. Challenge of The Millennium: Quezon City, Philippine, 2014.
c. Instruction Materials :
White Board
A picture that already printed
Paper worksheet
Cartolina as a media for conjunction and subordinating conjuction
III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activities
Greetings (Good Morning, Class)
Classroom Management (“Kindly pick up the pieces of trash under your chairs)
Checking of attendance list (Do we have any absent today?)
Review and recapitulate (Can anyone tell or share something about our previous topic?)
B. Motivation (In motivation part teacher should give a video or example related to the topic, and let the students guess the topic for their lesson)
C. Lesson Proper (In Lesson Proper the teacher shows the entire material related to the topic of the lesson also the teacher should put an activity.)
D. Application (In Application part the teacher should give the students activity)
E. Generalization (In Generalization part the teachers should review what the students get from their lesson)
IV. Evaluation
In evaluation part teacher give the students quiz related to the topic
My lesson Plan Doc:
For the time management and organizing activities, English subject has 120 minutes or two hours. For routine activities about 10 minutes, Motivation part is about 10 minutes, Lesson Proper 60 minutes, Application is about 30 minutes, Generalization is about 5 minutes, Evaluation or quiz 5 minutes.
Problem solving in my class went well, for example I gave them the instruction to make a sentence with simple, compound, and complex sentence. Their response is fast, then I just gave them additional information.
I managed my classroom well because they really pay attention to me as the student teacher, so it's easy to control the class until my lesson finished.
Teaching is hard if you don't have a passion its really hard for you to do it, but you never know if you never try. For the first time, I struggle too much because this is my first experience teaching in my life also in another country. There is a lots of differences between Indonesia and Philippine curriculum. Also the culture and the environment, yet I can't believe that I can fight those struggles. My cooporating teacher said that I've improve by time to time ( start from the first time I teach until my final demo), and I am really happy that she always gave me the advice and the guideline to made me a better future teacher. Thankyou Mam Airam for that. I always try my best I hope I can adopted the teaching habit here to the students in Indonesia.